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Jason's Deli Fundraiser

The Board of Children and Youth is organizing a dining opportunity to help support the youth and adults traveling to Michigan in July for the Higher Things conference. 

On Thursday, January 30th, from 5-9 pm, Jason's Deli will donate 20% of the purchases back to the youth. 

This is a great opportunity to come out, eat some great food, and join in some fellowship while helping support our youth. 

Invite your friends and neighbors to come! 

Make sure to grab a flyer and show it to the cashier that night.

You can pick one up outside the church office or in the Christian Fellowship area.

Women's Bible Study

Come and join us on Thursday, January 16th & Thursday, January 30th, at 11:00 am and 6:30 pm in the church library. 

We will be studying Deborah led by Deaconess Froh. 

If you need lessons before the study, they are in the church office or they will be available at each study time.

Women's Night Out

The next Women's Night Out will be at Rosie’s Pub on Thursday, January 23rd, at 6:30pm. 

RSVP to Robin Nerby ( by Monday, January 20th.

Rosie's Pub is located at 106 E Front St. in Bloomington, IL.

Men's Breakfast

All men of the congregation are invited to the Men's Breakfast for food and fellowship.

We will meet on Saturday, January 18th at 7:30 am at Shannon's Five Star Restaurant.

If you have any questions, contact Stuart Nerby at

Shannon's Five Star Restaurant is located at 1305 S Mercer Ave on Bloomington, IL.

International Neighbors Night

Christ Lutheran Church will be sponsoring International Neighbors Night on Friday, February 21st at 6:30 pm at Wittenberg Lutheran Center in Normal, IL. 

We would like to invite the entire congregation to attend this International Night for a dinner, activity, and fellowship with the International Students of ISU. 

For dinner, we will be hosting a potluck and we would like everyone who attends to bring either a side dish or a dessert (if you can).

If you're interested, please sign up on the sign-up sheet by the church office or contact Joshua Kothe by emailing him at or texting him at (309) 434-0936. 

The sign-up sheet for this event will be available starting on January 12th.

LWR Quilters Meeting

The Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Quilters will meet Sunday, January 19th, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm in the Parish Hall.

Greeters Needed For Services

We are in need of people to serve as greeters at the 8:00 am and 10:45 am divine services on Sundays.

If interested in serving as a greeter for either service, please contact Joshua Kothe by email ( or texting him at (309) 434-0936.

Sharing Joys

Sharing Joy is time for Bible Study and Fellowship held Mondays at 10 am. 

The Bible Study will be lead by Rev. Dr. Fitzner or Rev. Jenson (From Wittenberg Lutheran Center).

Please consider in joining us.
