Men's Groups

Men's Night Out

Join us for some fun and fellowship on the 1st Monday of the every month for a night out at a restaurant around the Bloomington/Normal area.
Check our Upcoming Events for details on the next night out

Men's Bible Study

Men of all ages are invited to a six-session study led by Pastor Fitzner, starting on September 21st.

This Bible Study will be on Esto Vir (Be a Man) from 1 Kings 2:2

This study will take place in the church library at 8:15 am.

Before Bible Study, men will be at Times Past Inn (1216 Towanda Ave, Bloomington, IL) at 7:00 am

About Esto Vir (Be a Man) from 1 Kings 2:2

Being a Christian man today is becoming more and more challenging. 
The pressure, stress, and burdens facing Christian men are increasing. 
What makes this worse is that most men deal with it, and so much more, silently and alone

Esto Vir, a men's Bible Study group, aims to change this. 
Christian men of all ages can strengthen and encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2), and sharpen each other in the truths of Christ and His Word (Proverbs 27:17).

Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?

The universe, God's will, speaking the Christ story, true human fulfillment, God's Law, the point of it all - these are some of the ideas in Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann's explorative video Bible study. In six sessions, he takes us from the beginning to that place where, on the Last Day, we find our greatest realization as humans.
